24/7 Locker Notice
Follow these simple steps to retrieve your order quickly and easily!
Please note: A Locker Notice might be in the middle of your other orders so please look for the bright pink Locker Notice before leaving the store.

Step 1: Go to the Pick Up kiosk and pay for your orders.

Step 2: If the Pick Up kiosk provides you with a locker notice (see sample below), then you know you have an order in one of our lockers.

Step 3: Go to the locker number indicated on the Locker Notice.

Step 4: On the locker keypad, enter the last 4 digits of the primary phone number on your account. (Note: if there is more than one number associated with your account, you must enter the last four digits of the primary number.) The code is also printed on the bottom of the folded invoice tucked into the back side of the Locker Notice.

Step 5: Immediately after typing in the 4 digits, push the “ZEPHYR” button in the center of the keypad to unlock the locker.

Step 6: Remove your item(s) from the locker.

Step 7: Place the Locker Notice into the locker and close the locker door. Please do not lock the locker.

Step 8: Enjoy your freshly cleaned item(s), and please enjoy the rest of your day! Thank you for using Klinke Cleaners, and we hope to see you again soon.