24/7 Service

Our 24/7 Kiosks allow you to drop off and pick up your order when it is most convenient for you!

24/7 Klinke Cleaners Logo

Use a dry cleaner that is open when you need it to be! Some locations are now updated to 24/7 service, see the complete list below. You can drop off and pick up at any time – day or night – because our store NEVER CLOSES

We still have normal hours, so our staff can assist you during the day but you are free to use our store any time that suits you.

Come check it out today (or tonight, or tomorrow at 2 a.m.)

We’ll be open!

Short video walk-through of 24/7 service

Due date and special instructions 

Screenshot of the drop off details page on the 24/7 Kiosk

The Drop Off Details screen on the kiosk will show you the due date for the items you are dropping off. (Note: this is for dry cleaning and shirt laundry only – it does not include households or alterations). You can also add your special instructions on this screen.

If you use your cell phone as your account phone number, you will receive a text when your order is ready for pickup. 

What if I have a larger item in my order?

If you have a larger item(s) in your order, they will be placed in our lockers for retrieval. You will receive a Locker Notice with instructions if part of your order is in the locker. 

Drop off with or without scanning your Express Bag

Graphic of express bag next to 24/7 kiosk

Do you have a Klinke express bag? You can simply drop your express bag through our 24/7 drop box. You do not need to register the bag because your info is on the ID card attached to the express bag.

However, if you want a confirmation receipt that you dropped off the bag, you can scan the barcode on your express bag at the kiosk to quickly access your account and indicate that you are dropping off an express bag. You will receive a text notification that we have your order.

This means not only 24/7 service, but also a super speedy drop off!

Use the QR code in your Klinke App

Photo of phone and mobile app screens

Did you know that you can use the Klinke app for easy access to the 24/7 Kiosk?

Skip the phone number, use your QR code to access the kiosk, and see how many orders you have ready!

What locations currently offer 24/7?

Download our Mobile App